Published 31 July 2020 •  vol 1  •  no 1  • 



Vasiliki Brinia, Athens University of Economics and Business, Teacher Education Program, Greece
Pantelis Papadopoulos, Hellenic Institute for Group Analytic and Family Psychotherapy, Greece
Annita Loudarou, Hellenic Institute for Group Analytic and Family Psychotherapy, Greece
Alexandros Dazeas, Hellenic Institute for Group Analytic and Family Psychotherapy, Greece
Maria Nikolopoulou, Hellenic Institute for Group Analytic and Family Psychotherapy, Greece
Dionisia Papageorgiou, Hellenic Institute for Group Analytic and Family Psychotherapy, Greece
Matthew Josafat, Hellenic Institute for Group Analytic and Family Psychotherapy, Greece



The present study reports the evaluations of the teacher-trainees who took part in an experiential “Life Lessons” workshop, regarding its usefulness and effectiveness. A qualitative, semi-structured interview was implemented, during which the interviewees stated their opinions by answering five main questions, concerning the different parts of the workshop as well as the workshop as a whole. The analysis of the results showed that the workshop had a positive effect on the acquisition of new knowledge and self-awareness for the teacher-trainees as well as on the improvement of their educational skills and on their prospects as professionals.



"Life Lessons”, Teacher Training in Life Skills, Empathy, Innovation in Teacher Education



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Brinia, V., Papadopoulos, P., Loudarou, A., Dazeas, A., Nikolopoulou, M., Papageorgiou, D., & Josafat, M. (2020). “Life Lessons” in Teachers’ Education: An Experimental Innovative Approach. Journal of Education and Teaching Methodology (JETM), ISSN: 2652-7286, NADIA, 1(1), 51-60. doi: 10.33832/jetm.2020.1.1.05.

Brinia, Vasiliki, et al. ““Life Lessons” in Teachers’ Education: An Experimental Innovative Approach.” Journal of Education and Teaching Methodology, ISSN: 2652-7286, NADIA, vol. 1, no. 1, 2020, pp. 51-60. JETM, http://article.nadiapub.com/JETM/vol1_no1/5.html.

[1] V. Brinia, P. Papadopoulos, A. Loudarou, A. Dazeas, M. Nikolopoulou, D. Papageorgiou, and M. Josafat, "“Life Lessons” in Teachers’ Education: An Experimental Innovative Approach." Journal of Education and Teaching Methodology (JETM), ISSN: 2652-7286, NADIA, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 51-60, Jul 2020.