A pavement packaging frame block made of polyurethane or polystyrene is designed so that the surface of soft material foam is manufactured as the same sculptured surface of the content goods using NC milling. It is hard to cut polyurethane while maintaining the exact form of the workpiece because of its high elasticity, and it is very important to precisely determine the machining conditions for maintaining the form accuracy. In this study, the machining conditions, that could maintain the contact surface form accuracy, were searched so that the packaging block could stably support the contents. Using the characteristics value by Taguchi technique for experimental accumulated machining data, the optimum machining conditions such as the spindle speed, feed rate, step over, and tool path pattern, considering the machining stability and machined surface integrity, were searched. As a result, the optimum machining condition are determined successfully through these analysis techniques and were justified practically by testing experiment using a group of expert’s machining data.
Packaging Valuables, Polyurethane Foam, Form Accuracy, Taguchi Technique, Machining Conditions