This paper presents the design of an unequal power divider using rectangular broken coupled lines. The proposed power divider is mounted on the Rogers-RT 5880(lossy) substrate having relative permittivity of 2.2 with the overall dimensions of 60 x 40 x 1.524mm3. The shape of the proposed power divider is chosen is such a way that maximum power is delivered to the desired output port and thus improving the efficiency of the power divider. The device possesses an insertion loss of -3.31dB at one port and -4.91dB at the other. A serial RC filter is connected between the output ports in order to improve the insertion losses. A serial R-C circuit is connected between two output ports to improve the inter-port isolation. An interport isolation of -17.3dB is obtained. In order to achieve the above insertion loss, metamaterials in the shape of swastika (SWMTM) are sandwiched between the proposed device and the ground. These materials are embedded inside the substrate. A total of 15 swastikas are used to design the proposed device. The device is designed in Computer Simulation Technology-Microwave Studio (CST-MW) 2016 Finite Integration Technique (FIT). A bandwidth of 156MHz (3.24%) is obtained for the operating frequency of 5.92GHz which makes the proposed device useful for Wireless Indoor Applications (WIA). The parametric analysis of the proposed power divider along with output reflection losses and phase diagram are also presented in this paper.
Broken rectangular ring, coupled lines, swastika metamaterial, inter-port isolation, WIA