The BRICS greatly impacts GDP growth in Russia. A deeper trade and investment cooperation in the BRICS, however, does not happen because there are no incentives supported by a common economic policy. There are no common principles for customs and tariffs regulation and no common transportation rules. The member countries are still willing to be independent and sovereign in taking economic and political decisions, as well as they would like pursue protectionist policies and protect domestic producers from competition abroad. The corona-crisis of 2020 showed that deeper cooperation is need to provide better economic performance, better ways of transportation and communications as well as safety and healthcare. The article provides a view of what Russia could do for the BRICS in terms of support, including the idea of common Eurasian transit routes, common health-safety measures and common vaccination facilities and common transport navigation which could become effective means for closer cooperation in solving today’s economic, social and healthcare problems to help the BRICS overcome the corona-crisis.
Alternative Boundaries, Individual Boundaries, Perceptions, Attitudes, Intermodal Transport User Behavior