From 1998, the government of Japan started implementing the policy of volunteer return of driver license by seniors. They have regarded the old as relatively more dangerous than the normal aged people because they do not have enough ability of locomotion which need to drive safely. Regarding of this, Japan government reinforced the process of aptitude test in renewing driver license to the senior, however, they have considered more powerful policy need in the sphere of not damaging their right of way. It is the reason that they implemented volunteer return policy and it was proved to be successful in that the proportion of casualty by senior drivers have been reduced. Currently, Korea also has implemented analogous policy because the number of senior drivers has been on the serious rise and it can affect the safety of driving situation. For the success of the policy, we should note that the precedent examination should be executed by evaluating and comparing to analogous case before the start of policy. In this paper, we are going to examine and analyze the effect of the policy of Japan case. By analyzing case of Japan, we proved the desirability of the policy and found causes of success, measure of effectiveness, and complementary things. Through this analysis, we suggested the numerical value of multiple linear regression from case of Japan. This study evaluated the policy in Korea under the logical reason based on the analysis of Japan.
Driver License, Ability of Locomotion, Safety, Right of Way, Effect of Policy