As the 4th Industrial Revolution Era approaches, society is rapidly changing and personal mobility is changing as well. In particular, the sales of personal mobility devices keep increasing. According to the increase in the accidents related to personal mobility devices, the demands of citizens for the legislation of relevant laws on the personal mobility devices and safety criteria. This study deduced suggestions through the reviews of previous literature on the legal validity of relevance of the classification of the personal mobility devices, infrastructure design criteria, safety, operational strategies, the classification according to driving characteristics, and legislation trend in Korea and major overseas countries. Based on the idea of Safety Speed 5030 Policy and its effects, this study also deduced the necessity for lowering the speed limit of personal mobility devices.
With the trend of worldwide suggestion for the classification of the types of personal mobility devices, this study aims to seek the legislation direction of personal mobility devices in Korea based on the steering methods of personal mobility devices.
Personal mobility devices, Promotion of The Use of Bicycles Act, Road Traffic Act, Safe Speed 5030 Policy, Speed Limit