[ 30 Jun 2021 | vol. 15 | no. 2 | pp. 33-40 ]

About Authors:

F. A. Alahmari1 and Jayaprakash Kar2
-1,2Department of Information Technology, Faculty of Computing & Information Technology, King Abdul-Aziz University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Cloud Privacy is the enforcement of the personal privacy of the user data where the users access only their own data under a regiment or procedure guided by the Cloud Service provider. Unfortunately, various issues and challenges conspire to ensure that the cloud privacy issue remains unsolved and people continue to suffer exposure of sensitive data due to the lack of the aforementioned procedures, the lack of protocols, poor customer or user habits, the existence of data mining among different companies and the multitenancy nature of the cloud. In this paper, we have studied on the security and privacy issues of the cloud and discusses the solutions to the various problems exists on the cloud privacy. We outline the solution that reduces the vulnerability and reduce the threat to an acceptable level.


Privacy, Service Provider, Data, User and Access


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