[ 31 Mar 2020 | vol. 9 | no. 1 | pp. 11-18 ]

About Authors:

Ibnu Syamsi*
-Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia


The objective of this research is to know the factors that hinder the accessibility of Children with Special Needs (CSN) in following education in inclusive primary school. The research was conducted in Yogyakarta Special Province. This is considered in the Special Province of Yogyakarta (SPY) has organized inclusive primary schools for children with special needs (CSN). The sample of the study was 100 children with special needs (CSN) who were enrolled in 20 inclusive primary schools in four districts and one municipality of Yogyakarta’s study was conducted from May to October 2015. Data source was obtained directly from respondents or informants (primary data), data obtained indirectly, ie from related institutions (secondary data). Primary data include the identity of respondents, information about facilities and infrastructure of inclusive schools, respondents' perceptions related to social aspects, and accessibility aspects. In this study used several methods of data collection, among others: questionnaires, documentation, structured and in-depth interviews. Data analysis used in this research is quantitative and qualitative descriptive analysis technique. The results of the research are: (1) accessibility for children with special needs (CSN) seems to be a complicated and complex issue to be realized in inclusive primary schools; (2) to realize accessibility for the crew is still a lot of obstacles, very complicated and expensive because the government is very limited to make it happen; (3) accessibility of public facilities for Children with Special Needs (CSN) is only a matter of goodwill from policy makers to run it and the willingness in education to always oversee the policy; (4) realizing the accessibility of education in inclusive primary schools is how to restore the human dignity of minority groups including Children with Special Needs.


Children Accessibility; Special Needs; Education; Inclusive Primary School


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