[ 31 Mar 2020 | vol. 9 | no. 1 | pp. 1-10 ]

About Authors:

Dhian Dwi Nur Wenda1*, Zuhdan Kun Prasetyo2 and Muhammad Nur Wangid3
-1Department of Elementary School Teacher Education, University of Nusantara PGRI Kediri
-2Departement of Natural sciences, State University of Yogyakarta
-3Department of Educational Psychology and Guidance, State University of Yogyakarta


This study discusses a literature review of TPACK implementation for pre-service teachers conducted in 27 articles published between 2011 and 2017. The purpose of this review is to investigate the different understandings of TPACK concepts used in learning for pre-service teachers and whereas the type of strategy, technology and instruments are more dominantly used. The type of research used in this review is a qualitative study consisting of three main stages of finding and analyzing prior relative research, reviewing each study result, and comparing the results of the review. Based on the comparison of the results of the review conducted it can be seen that there are different views about the understanding of researchers related to some components of TPACK drafting concept used in the learning of pre-service teachers. Different views on how to choose the type of technology and strategy in TPACK implementation, and how to choose the instrument used to measure pre-service teachers TPACK. The most common type of technology used in TPACK learning for pre-service teachers is to use website-based technology, while the dominant strategy is the learning by design and for the instrument is quesioner and observation. In an effort to optimize TPACK ability, thus the integration between the three components above becomes an effective alternative to be done.


Strategies for Technology Integration; Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK); Preservice Teacher Education


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