This study investigated stress management among student nurses in Anambra State using a descriptive survey design. Three research questions and one null hypothesis guided the study. The sample consisted of 474 student nurses. Purposive sampling technique was used to select Schools of Nursing with both genders. The instrument for data collection is a researcher-made questionnaire titled “Stress Management among Student Nurses” which was face-validated by some experts. It has a reliability coefficient of .83. The result showed among others that both gender and marital status influence significantly, stress management by nurses. On the contrary marital status and gender when taken together did not significantly influence their stress management. One of the implications of this study is that the ward heads should ensure that adequate orientation of the students is done to avoid stress. Guidance counsellors should be employed to assist the student nurses with their transitions and occupational adjustments.
Stress, Student Nurses, Gender, Marital status