Published 30 April 2021 •  vol 147  • 



GilJong Song, Research and Development Team, NZERO Co., Ltd., Republic of Korea
NamHyun Yoo, Division of Computer Science and Engineering, KyungNam University, Changwon-si, Gyeongsangnam-do, Republic of Korea



Software that uses GUI, compared with that using the CUI, includes many source code for handling user interfaces and various events. Particularly, if the user interface and business logic are included in one program source file, the software increases the convenience of the user, but the software complexity increases at the same time. In the 1990s, NASIM, developed by C ++, has used GUI, but the functions provided were simple, and since they were developed using MFC, they did not need much cost and time for software maintenance. However, NASIM, which improved the user interface using C # and added some functions in 2004, has required a lot of time and effort to maintain while the internal structure of software was complicated. In this paper, we have improved the complexity of the SPA (Single Page Application) in an environment using the TreeView Control that uses TreeView Control, which converts the internal structure of NASIM in MVC and provides a key user interface. As the internal structure of software becomes simple, maintenance time and efforts have been reduced.



Design Pattern, MVC, Software Engineering



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Song, G. J., & Yoo, N. H. (2021). An Empirical Study on the Improvement of SW Maintenance Performance Using Single Page Application in Treeview Control. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology (IJAST), ISSN: 2005-4238(Print); 2207-6360 (Online), NADIA, 147, 1-8. doi: 10.33832/ijast.2021.147.01.

Song, GilJong, et al. “An Empirical Study on the Improvement of SW Maintenance Performance Using Single Page Application in Treeview Control.” International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, ISSN: 2005-4238(Print); 2207-6360 (Online), NADIA, vol. 147, 2021, pp. 1-8. IJAST,

[1] G. J. Song, and N. H. Yoo, "An Empirical Study on the Improvement of SW Maintenance Performance Using Single Page Application in Treeview Control." International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology (IJAST), ISSN: 2005-4238(Print); 2207-6360 (Online), NADIA, vol. 147, pp. 1-8, April 2021.