Published 31 Aug 2019 •  vol 129  • 



Retno Widowati, Universitas Nasional, Indonesia
Sri Handayani, Universitas Nasional, Indonesia
Suprihatin, Universitas Nasional, Indonesia
Indra Lesmana Rahayu, Universitas Nasional, Indonesia
Nyoman Yudi Antara, Universitas Nasional, Indonesia



The research aimed to find out the ability of methanol extract of G. salicornia, H. gracilis, H. macroloba, and H. asperi from Indonesia as antibacterial in inhibiting E. coli (ATCC 8739), S. aureus (ATCC 6539), and P. aeruginosa (ATCC 9027). The research design is quasi experimental by using statistic group comparison. The test method for antibacterial activity is well diffusion which refers to CLSI document M02-A11. The antibacterial activity test showed the highest inhibitory zone to E. coli, only in methanol extract of G. salicornia 20%, the highest inhibitory zone to S. aureus is in methanol extract of H. asperi 20%, and the highest inhibitory zone to P. aeruginosa is in methanol extract of H. gracilis 20%. The differences in the effect of macro algae methanol extract which tested at the same concentration on S. aureus showed that significant effect on methanol extract of H. asperi and G. salicornia at concentration 20% (p ≤ 0,05) and to P. aeruginosa did not showed significant difference of influence, and comparison of methanol macro algae extract effect at same concentration between S. aureus and P. aeruginosa did not show significant effect difference (p> 0,05).



Antibacterial; Macro algae; Methanol extract



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Widowati, R., Handayani, S., Suprihatin, Rahayu, I. L., & Antara, N. Y. (2019). Antibacterial Activity of Methanol Extract of Gracilaria Salicornia, Halimeda Gracilis, Halimeda Macroloba, and Hypnea Asperi From Indonesia. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology (IJAST), ISSN: 2005-4238(Print); 2207-6360 (Online), NADIA, 129, 67-80. doi: 10.33832/ijast.2019.129.06.

Widowati, Retno, et al. “Antibacterial Activity of Methanol Extract of Gracilaria Salicornia, Halimeda Gracilis, Halimeda Macroloba, and Hypnea Asperi From Indonesia.” International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, ISSN: 2005-4238(Print); 2207-6360 (Online), NADIA, vol. 129, 2019, pp. 67-80. IJAST,

[1] R. Widowati, S. Handayani, Suprihatin, I. L. Rahayu, and N. Y. Antara, “Antibacterial Activity of Methanol Extract of Gracilaria Salicornia, Halimeda Gracilis, Halimeda Macroloba, and Hypnea Asperi From Indonesia.” International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology (IJAST), ISSN: 2005-4238(Print); 2207-6360 (Online), NADIA, vol. 129, pp. 67-80, Aug. 2019.