Published 31 Mar 2019 •  vol 124  • 



Meiying Ren, Department of Computer & Information Engineering, Daegu University
Sinjae Kang, Department of Computer & Information Engineering, Daegu University



The approach for text summarization can be broadly divided into extractive and abstractive summarization. The extractive method selects summary sentences from the original text, and the abstractive method generates new summary sentences through learned models. Extractive summarization is easy to implement, but the generated summary is unnatural, while the abstractive method generates natural summaries but is difficult to implement. The encoder-decoder model, which is the most commonly used abstractive method, has a disadvantage in that performance is degraded when the input is too long. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a method of extracting important sentences from the input document through the extractive model first, and then performing abstractive summarization by inputting the generated extraction summary. The extractive model is based on the TextRank graph method, and the abstractive summarization system is based on the recurrent neural network (RNN) Encoder-Decoder model. We applied the abstractive model and the extractive–abstractive binding model to Korean newspaper articles. We used 15,000 online news articles as the dataset. 13,500 articles were used for training, and 1,500 were used for testing. News highlights written by human reporters are considered gold summaries. Experimental results show that the proposed system provides better results than the abstractive summarization only.



Text Summarization, RNN Encoder-Decoder, LSTM, TextRank, Binding Model



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Ren, M. and Kang, S. (2019). Automatic Summarization of Korean News Articles Using Extractive-Abstractive Binding Model. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology (IJAST), ISSN: 2005-4238(Print); 2207-6360 (Online), NADIA, 124, 59-68. doi: 10.33832/ijast.2019.124.05.

Ren, Meiying, et al. “Automatic Summarization of Korean News Articles Using Extractive-Abstractive Binding Model.” International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, ISSN: 2005-4238(Print); 2207-6360 (Online), NADIA, vol. 124, 2019, pp. 59-68. IJAST,

M. Ren and S. Kang, “Automatic Summarization of Korean News Articles Using Extractive-Abstractive Binding Model.” International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology (IJAST), ISSN: 2005-4238(Print); 2207-6360 (Online), NADIA, vol. 124, pp. 59-68, Mar. 2019.