Published 31 May 2019 •  vol 126  • 



Mohammed-Amine Zyad, Polydisciplinary Faculty, Sultan Moulay Slimane University
Mohamed Gouskir, Polydisciplinary Faculty, Sultan Moulay Slimane University
Belaid Bouikhalene, Polydisciplinary Faculty, Sultan Moulay Slimane University



Deep learning methods gained a huge popularity in segmentation and classification of medical imaging. In this paper we propose a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) approach which is one of the top performing methods while also being extremely computationally efficient, a balance that existing methods have struggled to achieve, we use this method as a process for segmenting brain tumor regions from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) using CNNs. The main task for this method is using a public dataset containing 3,064 T1-weighted contrast enhanced MRI (CE-MRI) with different abnormalities from different planes. This novel method of training neural networks on this dataset has proved to be efficient than well-known methods.



Deep Learning, brain tumor, classification, MRI



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Zyad, M.-A., Gouskir, M., & Bouikhalene, B. (2019). Classification of Brain Tumor from Magnetic Resonance Imaging using Convolutional Neural Networks. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology (IJAST), ISSN: 2005-4238(Print); 2207-6360 (Online), NADIA, 126, 31-38. doi: 10.33832/ijast.2019.126.04.

Zyad, Mohammed-Amine, et al. “Classification of Brain Tumor from Magnetic Resonance Imaging using Convolutional Neural Networks.” International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, ISSN: 2005-4238(Print); 2207-6360 (Online), NADIA, vol. 126, 2019, pp. 31-38. IJAST,

[1] M.-A. Zyad, M. Gouskir and B. Bouikhalene, “Classification of Brain Tumor from Magnetic Resonance Imaging using Convolutional Neural Networks.” International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology (IJAST), ISSN: 2005-4238(Print); 2207-6360 (Online), NADIA, vol. 126, pp. 31-1, May 2019.