In this paper, the representation of some of the regions on the image which were using without the information of the actual image users was given. The images which were using on now days are with good quality and the forging of these images is a little bit difficult rather than the old images. Most of the existing systems are struggling to identify the same for the images. Hence in the current paper, a model known as copy move forge detection using the shared memory model is given thought and implemented. The primary job of us is to identify the number of region son the images were being copied and to inform the developers about the number of regions on the images forge and using for other purposes. Several image formats like the JPEG, PNG are given thought for checking the current model. As per result, it is observed that the current model is working excellent and the results shows that the model is well suited for identifying the various numbers of forged regions on the images.
Image processing, genetic algorithm, clustering, image identification