[ 30 June 2019 | vol. 12 | no. 2 | pp. 37-54 ]

About Authors:

Georgios Minopoulos1*, Georgios Kokkonis2, Konstantinos E. Psannis3 and Yutaka Ishibashi4
-1,2,3Department of Applied Informatics, University of Macedonia, Greece
-4Department of Computer Science, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan


Nowadays, the audio and visual modalities are totally defined in terms of communication, computation and data storage on the internet, but what is lacking so far is a methodology to involve the sense of touch. A fundamental part of this is to have the capacity to transmit touch in perceived real-time, which is empowered by suitable hardware, like robotic and haptic equipment at the edges, alongside with unprecedented communication networks. The majority of the unsolved aspects about haptic communication are expected to be covered by the introduction of the next generation mobile network, 5G. The specifications of the fifth generation networks promise such capabilities to allow uninterrupted data transmission of the demanding haptic information in every environment. The most challenging characteristic that need to be addressed is to minimize the latency up to 1 ms in order to achieve successful data delivery.


Cellular Networks, Fifth Generation, Haptic Data, Mulsemedia, Simulations, Tactile Internet, Trials


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