This study assessed the effect of peer tutoring and peer-led team learning strategies on students’ achievement in Biology using a non-equivalent groups quasi-experimental design. A total of 182 SSI students constituted the sample for the study. Biology Achievement Test (BAT) was developed by the researchers for data collection. The validity of the BAT was established. The reliability of 0.96 was established for BAT using Kuder-Richardson formula 20(K-R20). Mean and analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) were used to analyses the data. The result of the study revealed that peer-led team learning strategy had significant effect on students’ achievement in Biology. Further analysis revealed that gender had no significant influence on achievement of students in Biology. The interaction effect of learning strategies and gender on students’ achievement in Biology was not significant (p < .05). The researchers recommended that Biology students should be encouraged to adopt the peer-led team learning strategy in learning Biology.
Achievement, Biology, Learning, Peer-led, Team, Tutoring